Unique Performance Coaching

Scaling Your Workouts for Pain-Free Training During Surgical Recovery

Recovering from surgery can be a challenging and sensitive process, particularly when it comes to resuming your gym programme. However, with careful planning and attention to your body’s needs, it is possible to scale your workouts effectively and train pain-free during the recovery period.

In this blog, we will explore practical tips and strategies to help you ease back into exercise after surgery while minimizing discomfort and promoting a successful recovery.

As always at UPC we recommend you consult with your healthcare professional, before embarking on any post-surgery workout plan. It is crucial to consult with your surgeon / physiotherapist before returning to your UPC programme as they will have valuable insights into your specific condition, provide recommendations tailored to your recovery stage, and help you understand any limitations or precautions you need to consider. We would also recommend jumping on a call with a UPC Coach to get some specific ideas on your programming based off the Health Care Professional recommendations of where you are at in your recovery.

Here are the key recommendations we would like you to consider:

Start slow and listen to your body

It’s essential to start your post-surgery workouts at a slow and manageable pace. Respect the healing process and be patient with your body. Generally, we see people return by starting with bodyweight movements and exercises that don’t create pain in the affected area. As you progress, you should continue to pay close attention to any pain or discomfort. If something doesn’t feel right, adjust, or modify your routine accordingly and contact a UPC Coach for more guidance.

Focus on low-impact exercises

During the early stages of recovery, we would want you to prioritize low-impact exercises that are gentle on your body. Therefore, anything that creates impact such as running and skipping we would suggest removing and amending to more machine-based ergometers which would provide the cardiovascular benefits without putting excessive stress on your joints or surgical site. Gradually increase the intensity and duration as your body becomes more comfortable.

Incorporate strength training gradually

Strength training is an integral part of all UPC workouts, we want you to understand that’s the same for surgical recovery. However, it’s crucial to introduce strength training gradually and with caution. Therefore, remember to start with bodyweight exercises, resistance bands, or light weights to rebuild muscle strength. Focus on proper form as always but just reduce the usual heavy weights and high intensity lifting.

Engage in flexibility and mobility exercises

Maintaining or improving flexibility and mobility is vital for a pain-free recovery. A lot of the time this is the part many clients skip due to lack of time / boredom but for your recovery might become a big priority, this will help alleviate stiffness, improve blood flow, and reduce the risk of muscle imbalances. Prioritise the stretching routines you can have access to at UPC and look to make sure it is unloaded to start.

Monitor and modify as needed

As you progress through your recovery, regularly assess how your body responds to exercise. Keep a journal to track your workouts, including any discomfort or pain experienced during or after each session. This information will help you identify patterns, modify exercises or movements that cause discomfort, and optimize your training program. Tracking is probably important for everyone but even more so when you are tailoring your workouts.

Stay consistent and be patient

Recovery is a process that requires consistency and patience. Aim for regular, scheduled workouts while respecting your body’s limitations. Pushing too hard or rushing the recovery process can lead to setbacks. Celebrate small victories and focus on gradual progress rather than comparing yourself to pre-surgery fitness levels. Each day of pain-free training brings you closer to your goals.


Recovering from surgery can be a challenging journey, but it is possible to resume pain-free workouts and regain your fitness level with the right approach. By consulting with your healthcare professional, starting slowly, focusing on low-impact exercises, gradually incorporating strength training, engaging in flexibility exercises, monitoring your body’s response, and staying consistent, you can scale your workouts effectively during the recovery process. Remember, your body needs time to heal, so be patient and embrace the journey to a pain-free and active lifestyle once again.